The Lioness

The Lioness
The Queen of the Castle

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Healthier 2013


January 2013 ends in a few days and recently I couldn’t help reminisce about the different FB posts and happenings of 2012 and then it dawned on me that while we spent lots of time on political, economic, religious as well as socio-cultural issues, we left little room for health matters.

If we cast our minds back to the good old days, to our kith and kin in the rural areas, we might recall how we, city dwellers looked at them as lacking ambition due to their rudimentary lifestyles; lifestyles that helped prolong their lives unlike those of the over-stressed city people.

Although I do not have the statistics to buttress my point, it is no secret that the mortality rate of humans has not only fallen but also that there’s a noticeable gap in the rates between rural and city folks. Organizations and NGOs like the World Health Organization (WHO) dealing with health are trying their best possible to create adequate awareness on the dangers of unhealthy living.

In the United States of America, First Lady Michelle Obama is leading a cause trying to tackle Child Obesity which is on the increase in her country. Without embarking on a long lecture, most of us know that the foods we ingest are converted into sugars for energy while unused energy is stored as fatty cells; these over a period of time leads to obesity, a serious health risk which can cause Hypertension, Diabetes, Cancer, Pulmonary embolism, Kidney failure and other complications.

Those of you who know me would understand where I’m coming from when I say I’m seriously thinking about myself as I put down my thoughts on paper. It (this health talk) shouldn’t be all about Talk the Talk but Walking the Walk just like the late American artiste sang, “You telling me this, telling me that...Practice what You Preach.”

While the on goings in your environment are important, health matters should take centre stage. A complete lifestyle change should be one’s priority when faced with life-threatening health issues. In order to succeed, you’ll need to change your mind-set from a I CANNOT to a CAN-DO attitude. Try the following:

1) Never say I can’t take charge of my health but say I can do it. Utter it as a daily mantra until it sticks to you like a leech.

2) With reference to the science of Physics recognizing 2 kinds of inertia; the first law: “Standing objects tend to remain stationary and the second law: “Moving objects tend to stay in motion.” In other words, whether we want to know our health status, lose weight, cure a simple or complex ailment, AVOID PROCARSTINATION.
Get off your b**t (pardon my language) and take charge of your life. The journey of 1000 miles begins with the first step. Try the following techniques in order to achieve something measurable:-

I) Get a piece of paper and take time to identify health-related issues you’ve been putting off.

II) Pick out one to do and enjoy the satisfaction of starting it.

III) Never mind difficulties encountered. Designate some time each day to devote to your health cause and try sticking to it. Worrying about perfection can slow you down so avoid dwelling on it. Your efforts are what count because periodic changes can be made.

IV) If the reason you are procrastinating involves other people (like visits to medical personnel), then go and chat with them than turn molehills into mountains.

V) Don’t be scared of the consequences of your action. A temporary setback won’t kill rather your ability to bounce back is what matters.

You need to picture how you’d feel once a task is completed; a sense of relief that would boost your confidence and energy. Always remember: TNT that is, TODAY NOT TOMORROW and as celebrity Trainer Kathy Kaehler says, “You have one body. There are no replacements, no new models.”
So Avoid short-term solutions and remember you and your body are in for the long run. Here’s to a healthier living this year. Best of luck in all your health endeavours.

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