The Lioness

The Lioness
The Queen of the Castle

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

You Can Make It

Biblical passages: Genesis 1; Ecclesiastes 1:9-10; Psalm111:2; Proverbs 25:2; Revelation 3:8; 1 Corinthians 2:16; Matthew 18:18; Mark 16:17; Psalm 8:3-6, 23:1 and 27:1; Philippians 4:13 and so on.

Life is just a four lettered word but poignant with meaning. It’s all about making choices; some good and some bad. There comes a time in a person’s life when the need to take a step backwards and assess oneself arises.
Man was the last of God’s creation but nonetheless the most precious, created in the likeness of God and given dominion over all of creation. Created in the image of God, He blessed us with Anointed Minds capable of future discoveries since the Lord had already created (order and beauty from chaos and emptiness) everything we’d ever need to survive here on Earth and left the rest for creative and committed minds like yours’ and mine to seek and become outstanding people in the future.
We are in an era of continuous change worldwide; an era requiring wise Christians to utilize their renewed or regenerated minds as well as God-given talents to make a difference in their environment.
Succeeding against the odds requires developing a positive mindset which is a step in the right direction. One needs to bear in mind that, “You are what you think and say AND who you are determines what you do.” If you see yourself as a failure then woe unto you otherwise Think and Talk Success equals SUCCESS. Do not expect to sit down, do nothing and expect something; C’est ne pas possible (It is not possble).  
To start with I feel it is pertinent to note an ancient saying,
“Look within, within is the Fountain of Good, and it will ever bubble up, if thou will ever dig.”
This means we as individuals need to do some form of sober reflection or self-assessment and in the process go through the following phases or processes:
1)     Acknowledge ourselves as God’s children and heirs
2)     Unlock our hidden creative potentials and channel them properly via affirming their existence (The Power of the Tongue) which leads to confidence et al.
3)     Be focused, confident (avoid limitations), fearless; plan and project properly etc
We must avoid stagnation because Life is a process of transformation whereby every individual must choose the course of his life in order to stay motivated. It is advisable not to procrastinate when faced with challenges as these could make a difference in filling up the void in one’s life or not.
For all these to become achievable, it is imperative for our spirits to be renewed and be in sync with the Spirit of God in order to in order to receive direction and stir up our creative juices to affect our world positively. We will need to study His Word (The Holy Bible), declare it to our situation, be patient and watch God work wonders in our lives. Utilizing our creative abilities is the gateway to inventions for the resources of our minds are limitless and if positively used for Christ, self and humanity, the door of divine creativity and rewards will forever remain opened of which no devil can ever shut.
Personally, I use the poem below to encourage myself and hope for the best. I hope it inspires you as well:
A New Dawn
The Horizon looms out
With the promise of a new dawn,
A dawn filled with hunger and thirst;
For what you might ask,
For change,
Change for the present,
Change for the future.

Come to think of it,
We all talk about change,
Change in our everyday lives
Especially change in leadership;
But from where do we begin?

From within I tell you;
For there cannot be change
Without sober reflections.
For it is in time of such reflections
We purge ourselves from within
Thus giving birth to a new dawn;
One filled with Hope and Certainty
For the much sought – after change,
A change for the good of all mankind.

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