The Lioness

The Lioness
The Queen of the Castle

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Our Pensioners Need The Respect 2

Hello. After my post yesterday, I went home to do more thinking. I abhorred Politics until I had to wake up from my slumber and smell the roses despite the stench around us. For me it grew interesting during the era of former governor Sir(Dr.) Peter Odili up to when the present governor, His Excellency Rt. Hon. Rotimi Chubuike Amaechi was to contest gubernatorial elections and all the ensuing ‘drama’.

I resigned from my job in 2005 because a loved one needed TLC while on medical treatment abroad. The Rivers State government denied our plea for financial assistance despite dad putting in almost 4 decades of medical service. Nevertheless, they say “God opens a door when one close” and our loved one survived. Dad may be gone but at least he isn’t around to see the continued filth in a system he disliked irrespective of the fact that he tried to contribute his quota to the service of humanity.

I brought this personal experience up because until recently I’d been jobless for almost 7years. I could have joined the Civil Service but the treatment of pensioners put me off. I can cage my anger from the outside world but never you insult my folks to my hearing otherwise, Tamuno belema \ Chukwu nna biko unu nye m ebele, I may not be physically endowed with strength BUT I’ve got a mouth and Hell Hath No Fury...

 I may sound like a broken record, I may be accused of whining too much but my people if I may quote a beloved and renowned American Poet, Maya Angelou, “truth brings the past into the present and prepares us for the future. That’s what truth is.” My people the sooner we look into this the better. I agree that there are other pending issues but at the end of the day, we all will get to the Pensions Board or some Pension Scheme.

 A proffered short term solution could be government providing photocopiers free of charge (to ease the already stressed pockets of the elderly) and utilize the assistance of Youth Corpers during the few days of either State or Federal Pensions payment or audit. These young men and women can be taught to operate the machines and assist our parents to find seats, sort and arrange their documents, read out instructions to them and fill out forms for them if permitted as well as other little things we take for granted. My people, little things count.

Long term solution would involve negotiations with government, pensioners, social and health workers and so on. My people it is said, “A word is enough for the wise.” Make we hear word oh!

 Happy Weekend. Cheers.

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